Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Prayer meeting & food delivery - Village #423 in late April, 2020

.....in the midst of the Corona Virus lockdown in Punjab state, Brother Umair continues in faithful ministry here in Village #423 in Punjab state:

Umair, here giving food to Aster (married with 3 children and she does worship at the church there). On this day April day of 2020, Umair's ministry distributed food for 25 families in Village #423.

Brother Umair, in his handsome blue robe, with the ladies of Village #423 doing a prayer meeting/Bible study before the food distribution.

Umair with Sofia Bibi, one of the older women receiving food from Umair's ministry in Village #423.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Ministry in village of Saroki (April 22, 2020)

Umair with "Uncle Shabir".
Umair distributed flour, a staple food, to the people of Saroki today.