Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

Umair at brick factory near Gojra (January 2019)

Photo of Umair at a brick factory with Brother Ashraf and women working at this brick factory in the village of Asger Colony near Gojra.  This is difficult work for these women. The owner of the factory is a Muslim. Umair asks for prayer and financial support to help these people.

Umair said he spent several weeks ministering to these people. A lot of needs are found among thse people. Umair said he typically would visit the factory and collect people to start prayer and worship. He said the Holy Spirit would work through him through tongues and by leading him to ask the people their needs.  In this factory, Umair said God changed people's hearts, healed people from demons as two women were oppressed by two evil spirits.